There is No Such Thing as Mental Illness


“Firing Line”

In 1966 William F. Buckley, Jr. founded an American public affairs television program called Firing Line.  Over a 33 year span, Buckley hosted many prominent guests on his show, including presidents, statesmen, activists, academics, writers and religious leaders. Buckley was renowned for his erudition, vast vocabulary, and penchant for vigorous debate.


Dr. Thomas Szasz

On the May 22, 1985 edition of Firing Line entitled Psychiatry: New Explorations, Buckley hosted Dr. Thomas Szasz, whom he described as the “Socrates” or “bad boy” of psychiatry. Dr. Szasz, author of The Myth of Mental Illness and many other books, was accompanied by two persuasive intellectual allies, Dr. Richard E. Vatz and Dr. Lee S. Weinberg (authors of the book Thomas Szasz: Primary Values and Major Contentions). The main question that Buckley debated with Szasz and his supporters was whether or not there is any such thing as mental illness.


William F. Buckley, Jr.

It may seem surprising that one of the world’s most eminent intellectuals would entertain such a question in a widely broadcasted public debate. Nevertheless, Dr. Szasz and his colleagues effectively defended the assertion that there is no such thing as mental illness.

The entire debate is available in DVD format, and it is well worth watching.  Brief segments of the debate are available here and here.  To learn more about Dr. Thomas Szasz, see here, here, here and here.